October 8, 2016


Another night another try
Another who is who
And yet will we find
What we know we knew

Life hands us little gifts
That we just pass by
If we knew what they were
Would our hearts not cry

Tomorrow is not today
Tho we live as it's so
There’s so much we missed
And love we'll never know

Look not back at this time
For it has passed us by
Only today can make tomorrow
And stop the tears we cry


Snaggle Tooth said...

Thanks I've been wondering about you. I've been bemoaning my fate a bit lately myself...

desk49 said...


Not my fate just
words in my head

Denise Covey said...

There's plenty to make us cry in this world, but we can be thankful for each tomorrow! Hope you are well as you pen your poetry!

Snaggle Tooth said...

Whew it did publish- wasn't sure.
Fate is the part we can't control...