February 8, 2018

In too Deep:

I’m in too deep
In madness I write
I’m up late hours
On the darkest of nights
Thoughts are roaring
Throughout my brain
I have little hope
I’ll not go insane

I’m in too deep
No love have I found
There’s too many things
I'm working around
A short prom I’ll write
No long one to read
I hear you all say
Give us a break please

I’m in too deep
So give me some time
I’ll send you unconditional love
In a story type rhyme
Love conditional or unconditional
Man that is a hard one
I think it's a little of each
Or then maybe none

I’m in too deep
I say with a sigh
I’m sure you’ll believe me
No way would I lie
I’d love you if you’re
Red headed with green eyes
I’d love you if you’re
A lot taller than wide

Would I think it’s too deep
if lots of money you had
and no kids running around
calling me stepdad
I’ll love you if you think
My mother is sweet
This poem is half through
So hold on to your seat

What is too deep
if you have very few bills
can you make our love
A whirlwind type thrill?
I see the same conditional
Things every day
there's a few unconditional
I beat we could say

Would I stretch it too deep
To say sunsets, and trees
but I’m betting you'd say,
“God spare me please!”
Now think about this,
For its not hard to do
some people find love
A love that is true

That’s too deep
Most of you’d squeal
No way could people fall
in love head over heels
Yet it is those people,
With a love that’s on fire
a love that we want
And have always desired

I’m not too deep to say its better
Leaving birds in a tree, than,
let any of them go make
A mess in your hand
Now if you’ve read this
I’m in pretty darn deep
And it's your comments
that I seem to seek


Snaggle Tooth said...

Too deep in sunsets n trees
Is a welcome thought for me.
Tho if the bird poop
pile runs over your head,
You should move from under that tree,
N stop feeding them bread!

True love may be
Too deep a thing
To easily find.

But it is so
easy to
Dig a hole
too deep...

Denise Covey said...

I'm no poet to comment in rhyme as do so many clever people. Your poem is fresh and at times witty, at times thoughtful. Thanks for penning it in response to our WEP challenge, In Too Deep. It certainly fits perfectly to the prompt.

Thanks so much for participating in WEP. It's a good idea to pop a comment on our post at WEP when you publish. I see you've been up a few days now...good to publish early...


Adura Ojo said...

Love is deep: Different colours and shades.
Thanks for sharing, Desk 49.

Pat Garcia said...

You brought it to its point in this verse and I love it

That’s too deep
Most of you’d squeal
No way could people fall
in love head over heels
Yet it is those people,
With a love that’s on fire
a love that we want
And have always desired.

It is only when we make the commitment to go down in the deep that we find love and we will find it on an unconditional level.
Excellent poetry.

Shalom aleichem,
Pat G

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Desk 49 - I always love your take with your verses, or poems - so good to read and let it ring along happily in time. Sometimes we need to sink quietly and let ourselves get in too deep to experience life ... congratulations - cheers Hilary

Deborah Drucker said...

In too deep you will not go
unless several conditions we meet
No bills to be paid or the pitter patter of little feet
Love your mother?
I would need to meet this lady
Before my commitment would be complete.

Yolanda Renée said...

Falling in love?
That fall might be too deep.
Don't limit yourself with expectations.
Be open for anything and your prayers will be answered!

Lovely and fun, thank you!

L.G. Keltner said...

Wonderful poem! I always thought poetry might be the best way to capture love in writing, though I don't trust myself with that monumental task. Well done!

dolorah said...

I'm sure some people fall deeply, madly, unconditionally in love and it lasts forever. Not me; marriage should have a contract, and a time limit.

Nicely done.

Nilanjana Bose said...

Love is the greatest thing to be in too deep! Well crafted. Great to read a poem entry :)

Carrie Ann said...

I love the humor in this poem :-)

Pat Hatt said...

Thanks to yoga three times week
Sometimes two as things I seek
The head to the heels won't be too bad
Now where is she at my pad?

haha fun one indeed.

D.G. Hudson said...

A witty poem looking for the perfect partner. What is perfect at first sight may be broken beneath. You have a talent for dreaming big. Enjoyed the words, the rhyme and the tongue in cheek attitude. Well done.

Kalpana said...

And a comment you shall have because of your great sense of humour and you because said everything while claiming you weren't saying it.

Elizabeth said...

The opening sequence, I can relate,
Staying up writing in hours of late.

That was a fun poem to read, it had a good flow to it.

Toi Thomas said...

What a clever poem and very suited to the prompt.
People often go in too deep for their work or other ambitions, but when it's for love that's when it becomes all-consuming, especially if it's unconditional.

Anonymous said...

An flowing poem about unrequited love, and the strange journey love takes a person on.

Keith's Ramblings said...

There are worse thing to be deep in! Love what you've said and the way you've said it. Yes, I love it - deeply!

J Lenni Dorner said...

Great poem!
Been there, felt a lot of that.
Way to go.

desk49 said...

Snaggle Tooth:
Is first you see
For love is never
too deep for thee

It seems your next
And love for you
is never complexed

Denise Covey:
Thank you for coming my way
And all the nice things
you always say

Adura Ojo:
all the color and shades it seems
Is what makes love
such a great theme

Pat Garcia:
the verse, you was on fire
Yes a true true love
we all desire

Hillary Melton-Butcher:
your name alone, love it rings
And you went and said
such nice things

Deborah Drucker:
wow if not for a wife, you I’d see
Yes you’d be a woman
meant for me

Yolanda Renée:
your insight is always true
So to you a

L.G. Keltner:
In poetry one can always say, I love you
Yet in truth after that,
it’s what you go and do

like Deborah you’re a woman after my heart
But if you find true love,
from them you should never part

Nilanjana Bose:
You’re always kind when you post my way
What more can
this old man to you say

Carrie Ann Golden:
What more can I say
Humor is sometimes
the best way

Pat Hatt:
Thanks for dropping round
If yoga is working,
I’ll buy a 100 pounds

D.G. Hudson:
Is there is a perfect partner around
I hope you find her
and settle down

Kalpanaa M:
Humorous? I really like to act insane
But it is not always good
For on my fun, sometimes it rains

Kalpanaa M:
It seems yours I missed in my reply’s
I’m glad that verse to you did relate
But staying up late you’ll get sleepy eye’s

Toi Thomas:
Ambitions can make us go too deep
But love taken in steps
Most likely will be complete

A love through life that’s flowing
And all I know will tag along
yet some is dark and others glowing

Keith’s Ramblings:
Yes there’s a lot of things to be too deep in
And love could be surely one
For some of us it becomes a sin

J Lenni Dorner:
Been there, felt of which, I ask
Not like me I hope for, I was
Thought of being, from low class