December 11, 2015

Beyond starry skies:

I look back at this world from beyond starry skies
Past time itself, to see not one living thing
All of us gone, never to return
Man’s voice silenced by eternal winds
No marks did he leave upon this hallowed ground
To let others know he was even there
Still we thinks what we leave behind,
Will encase our souls forever as Gods
We look out there and see worlds of color rings
Spinning left and right with polar clouds of greens
We tell ourselves yes we could live there, and
Turn it to into another dying planet like the one 
we now live upon and dream again of other worlds


Lynn said...

Isn't that amazing to think about? Turning another planet into one like this one - maybe it would be better, who knows.

desk49 said...

Yet what would we do to it?
We can't even take care of this one.
Thanks for dropping by.

Snaggle Tooth said...

Kids think I'm nuts when I cry as woods are cut for new stores...
Walmart now sit where I used to catch box turtles- now they are gone... Time to let nature take most of it back

desk49 said...

Yes someday even turtles
we'll never again see

Elephant's Child said...

Given what we have done to this planet, I hope that we don't find a way to take over another any time soon. And cannot see any alien species welcoming us until we are 'housebroken'.

Denise Covey said...

Humans are dastardly creatures when you think how we degrade this beautiful planet. We definitely don't deserve it. But we graspingly look to the galaxies, hoping to find another planet to wreak havoc on. A sad thought.

Thank you for posting for the WEP challenge--twice. I've added you to the list! And thank you for visiting my post and alerting me.

Denise :-)

desk49 said...

LOL will we ever be housebroken.

We are not a very nice race are we.

Yolanda Renée said...

I think there is a journey involved. Realization of what is beauty, what is important, and that life, all life matters, doesn't come easy. Maybe it's why we are separated from others in the universe and them from us. Until we learn the lessons of the playpen, we aren't allowed to leave the playpen and sully the other playpens. At least, I hope so, the thought that we could or would do damage elsewhere is just too sad!

A very thoughtful poem, though, it does make one stop and think. Thank you for participating in the WEP Holiday Celebrations Flash Fiction Challenge. Well done!

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Holiday and a prosperous and peace-filled New Year!

desk49 said...

If only they could keep us in this playpen until no other world has to die.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

A cycle of destruction.

desk49 said...

on and on and on and on

odell01 said...

Last but not least, of course, especially I am a relative late-joiner and I didn't have to be the very last one. Glancing over the feedback to your poem, it seems like you have a very good idea about what makes great poetry. It is interesting that you are the person who had the idea to do a poem, and I can see that while the challenge invited almost any form of input, few people strayed too far from traditional short stories. You made some gains there by jumping in with holiday poetry and by assigning yourself the role of sci-fi poet, you, I agree, are a superb conclusion to the challenge posed by Denise and Yolanda and judged by Alex. It was all a lot of fun and I am glad I have read both short stories and poetry on the subject of the holidays, with the sci-fi theme of the challenge, and you certainly contributed a nice ending. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! With any luck, it will be a great year.

desk49 said...

I'm off blushing from
the pat on the back
I'm so read in the face
I could burn a toe-sack
you shower me with praise
what will this old man do
I guess just give you thanks
and a God bless you

dolorah said...

I often wonder how long it would be before Earthlings ruin planets we might eventually visit. Shame shame.

Strayer said...

I think about that sometimes. I think about looking at our planet and our species behavior as if I was a visitor, a complete outsider, who knew nothing of us, our hopes, our beliefs, our motivations. Looking down I would see human colonies, how destructive the colonies are, how they have spread, how violent the species is, even within the species, the destruction, the pollution and waste.

From an outside perspective, if I heard the human species had beliefs that they thought they were special, chosen by their gods, and that these beliefs allowed them to justify violence and planetary destruction, I would scoff in disbelief.

As a cat person intent on solving feline overpopulation, I hear the arguments against the cats, that would mimic the arguments posed by an outsider against the human species and the destruction caused by it. I can imagine outsiders arguing over whether it be best to euthanize the entire human species, while kinder outsiders might advocate for TNR (trap neuter return) of humans, so at least the species could not reproduce and the destruction would be minimized.

Thanks for your thought provoking piece!

D.G. Hudson said...

I don't like to think of humans as destroyers of planets, since there is usually a section of society that wants to preserve it. But if we don't become smarter as our species evolves, that's what we could be. Other planets might not be as forgiving as Earth has been and there might also be other species who dream of those same planets, who knows?
Food for thought, and musing. Enjoyed your words and the message.

L.G. Keltner said...

I hope that by the time we have the technology to settle on other worlds, we'll have learned to do better in taking care of those worlds than we do now. Still, human nature is a difficult thing to overcome, so my hopes may amount to nothing.

desk49 said...

I hope not as fast as they are doing this one.
Thanks for reading.

Not sure I want to be around if others come to judge us.
Also Thanks for dropping by.

D.G. Hudson:
Others out there??
Maybe they are looking at our planet and we are the food.
Not a thought I’d like to think.
A thanks to each so you I give one to.

L.G. Keltner:
I hope your hope is not for nothing.
How many ways can I say thanks
I guess just Thanks

Olga Godim said...

Despite all the dismal news from around the world, I stay cautiously optimistic. I hope we'll learn one day soon. We have the capacity. Because if we don't learn soon, we'll all perish, together with our planet.
Great thought-inspiring poem.

desk49 said...

I wish it was not the path we tread.
tho I fear it is.

N. R. Williams said...

An interesting take on humans. I fear one that may come true. Well written.

desk49 said...

N.R. Williams:
Sorry I took it down
for time has now died
Still a think you
for reading and coming by